and marlene cressman talking about fair labor lawyer, the remarkable life of new deal attorney and supreme court advocate, sunday night at 9:00 on afterwords. >> for me the worst thing i have ever done was commit an act of murder in 1991. it was one of the worst things you can do. i made that unfortunate decision at the age of 19 and devastated the family, took somebody's husband, son, brother, father, family. one of the things that stays with me to this day, the reason i do the work that i do in the city, never want another child to grow up with that type of burden. one of those burdens that never goes away. >> the author of writing my wrongs discusses is 19 years in prison and his life after. go to for the complete weekend schedule. >> ryan anderson is author of "truth overruled: the future of marriage and religious freedom". what is the point of your book? >> this is the first book length response to the supreme court ruling on the same-sex marriage question. i explain why the court got the ruling wrong as a matter of constitutional law and as a matter of philosophy. the natu