as well as jim nick o and marlene morgan and jimey crawley. >> thank you supervisors. it's my pleasure to be here today. commissioner moore is a dedicated planning commissioner and she brings much experience need. i would like to thank her for agreeing to a third term a. it's a tough commission. i want to let you know that commissioner fong was not able to stay. we are in our hearing right now. he had to go upstairs. but he also wanted to lend his support. >> i will take commissioner fong's place. my name is commissioner sugaya. i'm here to support commissioner moore. all during that time, i think i have learned more about architecture and urban planning from ms. moore than i have had in my entire year on historic preservation. she's taught me a lot and also been a great commissioner on all aspects of our work. she's not just focused on urban design and architecture itself, but has tackled all the issues facing the planning commission head on and has always truly expressed what she believed in them. i congratulate her and look forward to having her on the commission an