ourselves and for those we love who have died, and i would like to invite susan cornhill, alex perez, marlene perez to come up for the prayer of the faithful in english and in spanish. for our god we give thanks to you that you share with us at this moment that we aring together, gathered in your name. and we ask you to hear the prayers that we offered to jesus christ. amen. >>> you raise the dates of life. we ask for that faith. >> lord, hear our prayers. >> comfort us in our sorrow in the death of tony and vinny, let our faith and our internal life in hope. >> lord, hear our prayers. >> it's about peacefulness. translator. >> lord, you wept at the death, your friend, comfort us in your sorrow, at the death of tony and vinny. we ask this your face, lord hear our prayers. >> lord, hear our prayers. >> we pause now and present our own prayers before god. we prayer for all of us who are in the fire service from whatever department we may be, we pray for our police officers, our sheriff deputies, our paramedics, for all who serve us and who serve the strangers. we pray to the lord. lord, hear our pray