. >> reporter: the hotline is never far from marlene richter, one of 19 counselors and facilitators who work here. she coordinates rescues with law enforcement, a job the 31-year-old may be singularly well-qualified for. when she was 13, richter and an even younger child prostitute were rescued. >> i have two abusers, one from germany, one from netherlands. that's the time that our abuser fly back to germany and father shay helped us in pursuing our legal case in germany. >> i alerted our contacts, ecpat in germany, which is a campaign to end child prostitution and pornography. and in a week or so we're on a plane, marlene gets up and gave her testimony and everything and that's it. then he was -- within a week he's convicted and sentenced. >> reporter: it was a rare triumph. most cases proceed far more slowly and must be pursued in a philippine legal system riddled with corruption. >> who polices the policemen? who prosecutes the prosecutor? who judges the judge? who polices a corrupt media, you know, when everybody's in cahoots, especially these are well entrenched interests? so that'