february two thousand and twelve shooting death of teenager trayvon martin when marley graham was shot and killed inside his home two unarmed african-american teenagers in two separate states succumb to the same fate in florida trayvon martin was carrying candy when he was gunned down by neighborhood watch volunteer george zimmerman as a bronze teenager band pursued by police moments before he was killed in new york city where marley graham was standing in his bathroom when he was shot in the chest by a plainclothes narcotics officer who forced himself into the home without a warrant the eighteen year old was not in possession of a gun or drugs and according to n.y.p.d. officials the thirty year old cop who pulled the trigger lacked the proper training to work in his assigned unit two months have passed and there have been no charges in connection with the killing it's the lack of training in the situation as in a lack of respect for the communities that you're patrolling that allows an officer to sort of act in the unauthorized and discipline outside the guidelines manner which in ess