. >> sergeant marlisha redfield jackson works in the pendleton gang unit with boggess and 23 of his cellmates. she's all too familiar with the public perception of the teens here. >> these are everyday kids, you know. every kid has issues. theirs might be a little more violent than others or more to deal with, but that's what we're here for because it's all about correcting their behavior, because, you know, someone didn't do something somewhere, you know, to make sure they are not in here. >>> coming up on "lock-up: pendleton juvenile," a glimpse into the horrific childhood of jacob shauntee. >> i was taken away from my dad. i was put with my mom. my dad went to prison for ten years for child abuse and attempted murder. >> and -- >> she doesn't want to come here. a lot of kids out there wouldn't make it. @ñ >>> behind the locked doors of pendleton juvenile correctional facility, there's more than just teen offenders behind bars. >> 33, copy. >> for staff here, this is a world most people never see or understand. no one knows this better than the nurses in pendleton's 24/7 medical unit. >> we