cold. 19 the uptick in home schooling is just one example of prudent parents keeping kids safe so marlo dalton executive director of the national foundation for infectious diseases wants to assure wary moms and dads so we understand their concerns but we know that there are safe and effective ways to offer flu vaccines in a safe environment and so again the same precautions wearing masks social distancing and washing hands are all recommended to create a safe atmosphere in fact we've just vaccinated the entire an f. 18 staff to help keep us all protected you know we believe the more vaccinated the more protected still have questions the doctor is in there and he is dr joe alton who along with his advance nurse practitioner wife amy are authors of among other books alton's pandemic preparedness guide dealing with the emerging and current viral threats they host the survival medicine website doom and gloom dot net a rich trove of posts podcasts and videos and we're showing you the big picture you tube archive address at the bottom of the screen in case you missed our september 11th show when joe