." - i wasn't a big fan of gym class, so me and my friend marnin created a community resource class calledo swimming pools of hotels around ann arbor and recorded our swimming and our heart rate, but also wrote about the experience of trying to sneak into these pools and not get caught. - we had a student nursery in the school where kids would bring their babies and leave them there. other kids could get community resource credit for learning how to take care of babies, which is really cool. - they had to do a certain amount of educational value and the kids had to learn some. i mean, if the cr is being monitored correctly, they have to learn something. - but over time, it became a little more structured, and so there were classes like you would see in any high school, but you also had a real option if you wanted to do something different. - i was in charge of community resource department, and teaching speech, and a forum leader, and we had hundreds of crs. i would have a caseload, sometimes 250 crs. a lot of kids spent more time out of school than in school and it was based on the parkwa