it makes it very hard -- i'm sure you were here for marnie charge our presentation that causes us lots and lots of trouble in trying to make sure that the will of the voters is done when the bonds are so general that it's hard for voters to figure out what they will get out of it, and you compare that to your general fund debt schedule, and that is very specific, you are saying we will work on the hall of justice, and that is how bonds used to be, as you can look to something and say, yes, i understand how that is being used. i personally am working on the public health bonds of 2016, and that is just all over the board, multiple departments, it has been changed, the priorities are shifting, can you give us any advice on how we should be looking at this, as i said earlier, even when there's lots and lots of things , it is incredibly helpful to us in getting these bombs right, but i don't see the board of supervisors -- and i don't see a mandate coming down from anyone. let's really do the planning so we know what the voters will do not just because of voters are saying yes to everythin