we're making sure that they're in cocompliance w with marpol.. richard: large commercial vessels have waste oil. it's part of f how theyey work. james: you can't just take that and dump it over the side. thatt has b be put ininto a holding tank that will later be sent shoreside to a facilility. richard: any overbrboa discharge has to be through h a pollution prevention machine called an oilily war separator. james: once you get it up to speed, if you could just give me a a minute to takeke a look arod before we put in.... well, marpol says if you're gogonna dump oil, it has to run through filtering equipment which won't allow more than 15 parts per million oil ovov the side of the ship.p. richard: oil bececomes visible around 100 parts per million. if you can see oil in the water, if you can see an oil slick, you know that it's a violation of marpol.. james: they were having a hard time getting that oily water separator going. it wasn't operating the way it should. man: here we go. ok, restart it. it's hitting clear water, it's coming down. james