the latest assault occurred when marquel white punched an officer as he entered white's housing unit. >> he basically sucker punched the officer when he came in the dorm, which resulted in several other disturbances in the dorm. >> white, who is currently in jail awaiting trial for murder, has been moved to a single-person disciplinary segregation cell and put on s.o.r.t. status, the highest security designation in the entire jail. for now, he will be locked up 23 hours a day, lose all his privileges, and have little more to do than exercise or sleep. >> what did you do? what did you do to officer hamilton? >> i hit him. i hit him. i don't know. at the end of the day, i came out [ bleep ] up, maced, choked out, you know? and some chair -- what's that chair called? >> restraint chair. >> restraint chair. >> hey, let me talk to you real quick, all right? what's going on? i want to talk to you a little bit what happened last night. i want to get your side. >> i just got fed up. >> so what are you feeling like today? >> i'm feeling good. >> you know a disciplinary officer will be seeing y