newspaper editors are disproportionately weighted and google news as i and stand from barletta and marrecso it would be dangerous i think for other people to look at the google news and say this is the future of the news because the future of the news won't be dependent necessarily on a class of people that google news, bumbling and alienating. i think the thing that i am excited about in a way is i think the solution to this is doable but not yet done at an algorithm alberta is mike level and i start to go out and talk about the book run into more and more people who are at journalism school or, you know, programmers saying we are working on that product that does this it's like an exciting you view this as a problem for these companies or you can view them as grand challenges. >> host: so you outlined a supply-side issue which is changing the alveringem and outlined the demand issue which is i want my expressed preferences to be weeded maureen and i would like to people to know more of what is being done to me and my name. if you could change one thing, if you could pick -- as a place t