superintendent as harbor maintenance and he met his wife at the port and married her, her name is alberta and marrid for 61 years until he passed earlier this month. and roy was born, raised and educated in san francisco, from elementary on. and in 1942, before he joined the port he enlisted in the navy and his job was to repair ships while they were at sea and he came back and joined the port in 1946 and stayed on as a ready reserve out of treasure island and he was called back to full duty for the korea war and so we would like to mark his passing by the adjournment of this body in his honor. >> that concludes my report. >> is there any public comment on the executive director's report. any comment on commissioners? >> okay. hearing none let's move forward. >> item on the consent calendar, to execute and modifications to contract number 2743, with the roebuck construction to extend the original contract duration to 240 days by additional 54. >> so moved. >> second. >> all in favor? >> any public comment? >> hearing none, all in favor, aye. >> resolution, number 1 3-22 has passed. >> item 10 a, req