. ♪ ♪ >>>uriosity landed on mars backn au wouldn't it be amazing to see what it would be like to landmars if you were like strapped to curiosity as it was descending. >> yeah. a guy named bards tried to create that moment. this is curiosity in real time, descending to mars and what bards did is took the original four-framed per second footage from curiosity's landing and then he enhanced it with smooth motion technology and also enhanced it, detail enhanced it. it took him four weeks to create an actual constant motion, beautifully colored, almost 3d experience of curiosity landing on mars. >> this is all real? >> yes. >> i'm looking at mars? >> you're looking at mars right now. here's a comparison, side by side, of the actual nasa footage and his enhanced footage. >> has nasa approved of this? >> according to bards, people have reached out to him from jpl, the jet propulsion laboratory, part of nasa, saying wow, this footage is really incredible. he even claims that one of the people said hey, can we use this for marketing? >> i think bards may have just landed himself a job. >>> we'