, but marsalis says no one can explain where it comes from. >> marsalis: "why?" we don't... we don't know why. i once asked miles davis about sound. "man, how you get the sound you get?" he said, "man, nobody know about sound. sound just is." and i think that about his... his abilities. they are. >> cooper: they just are. >> marsalis: they are. >> cooper: it's not just how he plays that sets him apart, it's where he's from-- bali, a tiny indonesian island better known for palm trees than piano players. he was a hyperactive kid, so one day, when joey was six, his parents, denny and fara, brought home a keyboard, hoping to channel all that restless energy. you thought that maybe that would focus him. >> denny silas: yeah. yeah. at the same time, we wanted to find out whether he's musical or not, because we have a musical >> cooper: and that was the first time he started playing with the keyboard. >> denny silas: yeah. >> cooper: here he is one year later at age seven. remember, no one taught joey how to play like this. he just picked it up listening to his dad's al