up next, marsha balckburn followed by grover norquist. >> our guest this week is got burntman marcia blackbusha 10t's 10thnt tennessee district. thank you. to get started, give us an outline of the rnc platform. >> from what we are hearing, jobs in the economy and government reform. we have a web site set up. we have had thousands of individuals on that website from individuals giving us their input it. item #1 is jobs and the economy. i think we all would have expected that. >> could you provide this detail on what the plan would be? i know the republican party has accused president obama very hard for unemployment. he is also receive criticism for not coming up with a concrete alternative. can you tell us what the economic platform with look- alike? >> i think what you're going to see is a basic awareness that we do not create the jobs. the private sector create those jobs. it is government's response ability to create the environment for jobs growth to take place. the best economic theory is to give jobs. we need to return our economy to shrink so that the private sector and the s