i'm marsha garland and this is my client, who is americanized. anyway, it's a very small thai restaurant on post street, 720 post. in a rare one-story building in the middle of the city. the interior seats 49 people. and the block that runs to the conche involves one-story shops, a laundromat, massage parlor, a cafe and an indonesian restaurant. and across the street it has built-in markets with lots of people. we have done a very -- this has been a very long process for him because it turned out he needed a section 312 notification before he could move forward with the entertainment permit application. the section 312 notification went -- involved a mailing to residents within a 300-block radius. this was done several months ago. and we've worked closely with rick crawford, the planner, on this, and there were no complaints, no questions, no responses whatsoever to that mailing. after that we filed with the entertainment commission and his goal is -- the abc license that he has is beer and wine only and he's allowed to serve until 12:00 midnight