the press all around the world everywhere so there's a very blazing light older now where the marshall arlen's european countries south american countries look to v.a. crews as the place that really knows our organize whereas we thought it was pretty much ad lib all the way they see it as a successful erection for us. the last year old their security our bridges course there are eleven million dollars us prana raising the rent would sometimes close to get rid of our lives are able to think about. big is big and less important as it got more its friends and it got more expensive not only in dollars and cents or on the most paper led by me in the radio station that the rear of all the world were quite full. of. i think the essence of the struggle of a people in vehicles to rid themselves of being new still being abused being kept in the dark to get rid of that was such a liberating kind of thing and it was all down peacefully. and how a tiny little island could face a force as powerful as we did was intriguing but not only intriguing was really inspirational to a lot of people. our particular ki