how the environment in which the message is delivered is as important as the message itself marshall mcluhan once said that the medium is the message that's why speech on the steps of the elites a palace for quote is not a speech in a factory. as some spin doctors in the us have defined the truth as two faced and relative now in the words of renowned spin doctor gianna scanlon he said the truth is often not necessarily solet it can be a liquid which seems to be true is not necessarily the case when we look at it and we dissect it would take it apart and turn it around it will look at it from a different perspective do you agree with this definition. i think the image of a politician is the brand the image the image of a president or a star is only a part of the truth there is always a dark side the more you make fewer shadows remain and the more it works for the future of the star or the president nothing is worse than presenting someone as a statesman and then disappointing people after that person is elected president see is a meeting between a man and his destiny with a people on the dest