trying to fit cation but marshall mcluhan you know he famously gave timothy leary his phrase of 1967 which you may remember max turn on tune in drop out and i think this is the sort of uprisings you're seeing but what marshall mcluhan also gave us ties into the renaissance and back into the middle ages and that is gutenberg galaxy ok we're in the gutenberg galaxy what he predicted back in the sixty's was that that there would be a digital language that there would be electronic communication and that once that happened that it would be like the gutenberg press that it would suddenly that knowledge would not be in the hands of the elite the people states you know holding onto this power of the printing press today you know that knowledge would spread communication was spread and there would be a sort of renaissance and i'm like man i do remember the sixty's and i do remember the feeling at that time with timothy leary and marshall mcluhan and the culture and that was the anti vietnam protests. the youth culture as it was called the time decided and figured out that they could secede t