on july 2, 1644 , the battle of marsten moor took place, an important episode of the english civil war. the results of this battle provided a radical turning point in the course of the war. in it, parliamentary forces under the leadership of, among others, oliver cromwell, won their first serious victory over the ralists. before this, the reilist cavalry, commanded by king charles ii's nephew, prince rupert of falz, was considered invincible. cromel himself was wounded in the battle and left the field battle, but after dressing he returned and until the very end he commanded and made operational decisions. after this, cromville's soldiers began to be called ironsides. overall, the english civil war, which historians also call the english revolution, lasted two decades. during it, for a short period, the monarchy was even abolished and a republican system was established. charles ii was executed, but in the end the king's power was restored. however, since then it has been seriously limited by parliament. on july 2, 1900 , the first rigid aircraft took off. type. in germany they were ca