>>>coming up on "moyers & company," poet martin espada with a litany at the tomb of frederick douglass. >> this is the crossroads of the unimaginable. the tomb of frederick douglass, three days after the election. this is a world spinning away from the gravity of centuries, where the grave of a fugitive slave has become an altar. this is the tomb of a man born as chattel, who taught himself to read in secret, scraping the letters in his name with chalk on wood. now on the anvil-flat stone a campaign button fills the "o" in douglass. the button says, obama. >> that's it for this week. you don't need a weather man to know which way the wind blows. at our website, billmoyers.com there is a lot more to learn about global warming. our climate change spotlight page is filled with articles, tools, and resources, to enlighten, inform, and help you make a difference. and with this new year of moyers and company, i want to thank all of you for getting us to nearly 150,000 fans on facebook. there's lots of room for more so, join us. i'll see you there and i'll see you here, next time. don't wait