santa marta parakeets prefer to nest in 20-metre tall wax palms. to their delight, the rangers find three parakeet chicks -- though they belong to another species, the scarlet-fronted parakeet. >> we hang up the boxes where the santa marta parakeets are usually spotted and where they roost. if that doesn't work, we move them elsewhere. >> it's doubtful whether that will save the species. just 15% of the original mountain rainforest remains. livestock farming is on the advance. the colombian government is doing hardly anything stop people clearing the forests to create pastureland. economic interests are given priority. but there are more environmentally friendly alternatives. one of them is shade-grown coffee. right now the coffee bushes are in full bloom. employees from proaves advise farmers on how to make their coffee plantations especially bird-friendly. the coffee grows in the shade of large trees. more and more farmers in the sierra nevada are opting for this sustainable method of cropping. >> by preserving individual trees, the shade-grown co