. >> maria: the character played by marten sheen. >> i'm an opportunist. kurt started sharing emails with me. >> charlie: he would give you emails that were sent to him. >> to get a window into how his days worked as a josh type, right. >> charlie: you weren't unhappy to she have soas emails. >> they were mostly boring. politico a few months after it started kurt was thrilled about it. he posted to it. a lot of reporters and politico heard about it. it became a scandal, a mini-skeineddal. all of a sudden he was fired for sharing other people's emails without their consent with a reporter, i.e., me. so kurt was fired. i felt really badly about it. he was back and got a job in a you foo months was asked to be a pundit on cnn people forgot what he was infamous for. they figured he was a strategist. he had a name and a face. he wound up back with darrell issa again. no- real fall from grace. >> there's the story of washington. >> you will always eat lunch in this town again which is actually the full circle portion of this. >> charlie: was that a title once? >