and that is the martha ballard diaries.artha ballard was a midwife lived in hollow man, the next town down the river from 1785 to 1812. and she kept a hand written, obviously, diary, of her work as a midwife. in the 1970s, laura on which come into inscribe the diary and read a book based on the tale. this is incredible detail, who she's talking to, what she's doing. and really brings that time. a live from the woman's death. from the health care perspective, things we don't think about. her perspective is actually interesting in that she's much more furry and doing what needs to be done than our imaginations are at that time. we expect women to event wyatt and gentle. and she's not. she's out there doing her job. and she's a doctor. she's taking care of people. it is just a wonderful look at women says jerry in a way that we don't always do. this is a paul revere. this isn't the revolution after the revelation because this just happened. but it is day to day life and that truly is the biggest general of the collection. the