custis plantation and said their vows. a classic case of opposites attracting, the towering groom was a natural athlete, enthusiastic dancer, and attentive guardian to martha's two surviving guardian by daniel custis. the diminutive bride in her yellow brocade gown barely reached to her lover's shoulder. round where he was angular, spiritua he was sporadic in his church attendance, she was a self-described, quote, old-fashioned housekeeper, steady as a clock, busy as a bee, and cheerful as a cricket. as events were to prove, this hardly did justice to martha's wifely support or public patriotism. and yet even among admirers, few would describe the washington marriage in terms of passion, not with the working loveliness of sally fairfax a few miles away to remind the strapping groom of what might have been. to historian paige smith, writing in the unbuttoned 1970s, it wasn't hard to tease out powerful emotions in washington's oft quoted letter written to sally at the time of his betrothal to martha. a self-professed to love, washington confides his feelings in language that is anything but confiding. at the end he speaks of, quote, a destiny, which has contro