even though martha gellhorn continued for 30 years to write her great correspondence, many think she was the greatest of owl correspondents and in fact her art form was going to places and finding the particulars and marie colvin who was killed traguline syria six months ago not only hosted bbc show on martha gellhorn about seven or eight years ago, she was on camera talking about it, but always carried her book, the face of war wherever she went. she was the discoverer of the thing, but hemingway was hemingway. when we did "the right stuff" one of tom wolfe's terms for the right stuff was grace under pressure. our story becomes which of the two of them really can live up to the hemingway code and i guess we can now say we know that it was martha gellhorn who in the end out did hemingway in that area and hopefully now her writing will be read once again by a lot of people. >> so, i mean, speaking of under pressure was there a lot of pressure because this process was an eight year process for you. i imagine that creates pressure when you begin to focus on a project, you get the origin