. >> martha hawthorne pensioner sciu 10 to within i support of the creation of this committee it is a good step forward i want to express on you, the urgency which our members have divestment we took it upon ourselves to come out in a strong recommendation you to do board to not only go to level it but ultimately divest i was happy to hear the report from calpers a couple months ago they've been engage for 10 years and nothing has really changed i think many speakers have spoken to climate science how we know more and more it is worse and worse on behalf of members of the suv 10 to one get this committee going but the ultimate rule is divest no rule of result in changing it's practices we will be ni eve to think that. >> i think that was calendar was going to address the level two vote that happened last week, i was wondering where that stand and what's going to happen next other thing i sort of wanted to mention was commissioner paskin-jordan comment about mr. jeremy grant with his foundation which we're essentially coal will have a part of many companies like a larger basket i have