this is martha velez with the facility manager, and i will be doing the section and be followed by sidney. so a major focus this year was getting key organizations in place to start getting -- to start work on getting ready to open. a first step, as mentioned earlier, was to contract with the asset manager, lincoln, to lead the way. lincoln's agreement was signed in may. lincoln's agreement also included partnering with specialized experts to support running the center, brb to run the park and to make it an attractive engaging environment by programming it with activities, collier's to manage the retail leasing, and pearl to design and operate the digital media platform which includes transit and way-finding information as well as selling advertising on the 200-plus screeni 200-plus screens for revenue generation. lincoln in turn signed major contracts that would support the operations planning as noted on the slide. i won't read the -- won't read the entire list. so with lincoln in place, an important next step was to setup a framework to manage the literally hundreds of tasks associated