kennedy would ha to wait to face eugene marthy until indiana, more tn a month away.eanwhile, kennedy would aault lyndon johnson. he crged that, by johnson's massive bombing of vieam, he was calling upon t darker impulses of the han spirit. richard harwood: some of his speeches got very close to demagoguy, and i said so in a coue of pieces in thpost. and when i went back to t airplane take off on the next leg of the trip, ethekennedy came down thaisle with mstory wadded up and threit in my face. narrator: in theirst two weeks of his camign, kennedy visited 16 state denouncing johnson bere huge crowds. then, onhe evening of march 3 as kennedy flew home to new york city, everything suddey changed. johnson bowed out of the rac once lyndon hnson withdrew from t race, its character changed. um, robert knedy had gotten a lotf strength from lyndon johnn's unpopularity kennedy then had t all of a sudden, turaround and lk about what he was gointo do for the next four year narrator kennedy now had to fd a way to differentia himself from eugene carthy and from johnso's hand-pick