apple -- those were college students that made those changes come about. i am actually standing on the shoulders of giants, giants who were young people. dr. martinr king was also a young man when he made some of his revolutionary changes to this world, so i want to encourage you to stay vigilant and stay inspired, and i want you to feel supported. i am here to continue to support your education if you need someone to continue to talk to, and allied. i make myself and my staff 100% available to you, but we are here to talk about technology and the commitment and the impact that technology has on education. i opened with an example of google and how it was a young college students that revolutionized how we communicate. and i hope that the next great application will come from the hearts and minds of some of the young folks in this room or maybe the next new piece of technology, which will revolutionize how we speak to each other, not just here locally but globally, or come from some great mind right here in this room, this institution. i am very excited to be here. thank you, michael stott, for your contribution to the students, and i also consid