. >> i am martin beresford, and as was said, i am the permit holder for the deck, which is part of my unit no. 10. i respectfully request that the border of the appeals uphold the permit, which was granted on august 31. he has stolen much of my thunder, and we are in agreement on most of a point. i will try to keep this brief. the main points were in my brief submitted last week, so if i may just recap a little of the background just to make sure it is well understood. in january 2010, the hoa, the homeowners association, commissioned steven weisberg to look at the situation in the whole building and to recommend how to fix them and to act as the overall project manager for getting it all done, and in april of last year, 2010, weisberg recommended that we repair or replace four main areas in the building. the entire roof, that sighting in serious locations, leaky windows, and then finally the deck, which is the issue at the moment. i paid his retainer. the deck has been in place for 30 years exactly as it is. it was deeded to my unit no. 10 in exactly its current form when the whole b