madam president, martin feldstein, a distinguished conservative economist -- nobody ever accused martin feldstein of being a liberal -- said this: "cutting tax expenditures is really the best way to reduce government spending. eliminating tax expenditures does not increase marginal tax rates or reduce the reward for saving, investment, or risk-taking. it would also increase overall economic efficiency by removing incentives that distort private spending decisions. and eliminating or consolidating the large number of overlapping tax-based subsidies would also greatly simplify tax filing. in short, cutting tax expenditures is not at all like other ways of raising revenue." madam president, in this case, i think martin feldstein has got it about right. one way we could raise additional revenue is to reform the current tax system, making our system more competitive and at the same time raising additional revenue that could be used to help reduce the deficit, along with reform of entitlement programs, along with additional spending restraint. madam president, these tax expenditures go overwh