(martin goldsmith) so i put in just a few lines.man's thoughts) yes, fate, or some mysterious force, can put the finger on you or me for no good reason at all. i think noir hit people so hard it's because essentially at the core of it all they're tales of survival, in a completely naked fashion. a certain kind of hard film, full of difficulty and emotion. and explosions of -- of emotional drama and anxiety was popular in the sense that people went to the movies to see that kind of thing. if you go back and look over the plots of film noir, you discover that more than a quarter of the total films have protagonists who identify themselves as war vets. (paul arthur) and what he discovers when he comes from the war is not a security in society, but rather quite the opposite. (announcer) multiplied and magnified, the insecurity of modern man was tragically demonstrated in catastrophe of total war. (paul arthur) one sees it, in a sense as the continuing experience of wartime trauma... in a domestic situation. now we start looking at each