at this time i would like to invite martin graham flaum the department of human resources who will be presenting on these items >> thank you mr. supervisor committee members and the chair, i'm martden graim rr relations drecktder for the city dhr. today we are before you a package of contract successor mou contracts and also amendments to existing mou's in addition the [inaudible] ord nns. those are different agenda items, but if i can speak to each of them at this point with your permission i'm happy to do so. the first 2 items are 2 contracts negotiated with the cities physicians and dentists and veterinarians. this is a unit that is primarily represented by or primarily employed by the department of public health, the physicians and that's is the biggest group here. the contract provides for a continuation of wages for the biggest group, the physicians to be commence rate based on a arbitration awarded inl the last year which pegged salaries for physicians in dph to salaries of the highest paid rn classification, the nurse practitioners so that has continued for the award. the othe