joining me now to discuss the whole issue, martin indyk the former u.s. israel, now a distinguished fellow at the council on foreign relations. robin wright a contributing writer at the new yorker and tarek masoud. martin, it struck me -- let's talk about pompeo's speech because that was meant to the administration's grand middle east policy. what's striking about it, it was largely anti-obama, these are all the bad things obama has done, this is what we're now doing, but it suggested an america deeply engaged in the middle east, asserting its values that sounded like he hadn't been listening to what his president had been saying about what america wanted to be in the middle east, which was get the hell out of there. >> he had one line in the speech, fareed, in which he said when america withdraws, chaos often follows. then the next day we have the announcement of america's troop withdrawal from syria. so i think that was really the heart of the speech was this gap between promises and delivery, between objectives and the means to achieve them, and more fu