myself and martin lawrence. he is going to play shanana and i'm going to play wanda.was hard to go from hey, for real, to -- ♪ hey, for real the way i got back into music. a kid walks in my place. i'm throwing a party for puffy. and puff is like a crystal and bentley tsunami. here comes puff. we're in the puffy tsunami. it was crazy. and i'm throwing a party and a kid walks on with a backpack and his jaw was messed up. who am i talking about? kanye west. and kanye west comes to my crib and says i have a song. it's called snow jams. and i said, first i need to hear you rap. and he rapped and i said that incredible. and i said, she says he wants marvin gaye and -- and he's like, what are you doing? i said, i'm trying to put the r& b sauce on it. and he said, sing it. and after it sung it, said this song ain't got no sauce on it. and i left and did a bad movie. i came back after my career was on life support. and when i got back, i went to miami and they said, you know that song you fronted on. it's number one right now. and it went from that to -- ♪ she took my money wh