senator martin mcnally asked the supervisor liz archuleta to explain the importance of the water pipelineor the grand canyon and hears that exchange. >> can you elaborate more on the importance of the pipeline project getting completed as soon as possible and the implications should it not be completed because of what again, what draws from all over the world to the grand canyon and the impact that wouldhave not just on the park but also on local communities in our state ? >> thank you very much senator mc sally and thank you for the question. what we find is the pipeline continuously breaks because of rock fallsand when it breaks , it creates a tremendous burden on the visitor and also on the park. so when people are coming to the grand canyon and people see it as the ground crown jewel of parks and they want to have this experience and then they go and use portable restroom facilities. they're eating from paper plates to cause the restaurants cannot use water to wash dishes. the parks services constantly scrambling to figure out how can they all water to the park when the pipeline break