the problem with the more -- martin mimosas they go on saying this is a more important priority in terms of are listed using resources but then they go through what is called a deferred action process where they confer benefits and allow legal status which historically has resulted in that status continuing on for years and decades for an individual so it's not just about what resources you have to enforce the law. it's about whether you actually are changing the status of people who are not lawfully here. and so we have not changed through these amendments that are going to be taken up today. all of the enforcement priorities of the administration we have just looked at those that are the root of what became a much larger program for deferred action for childhood arrivals which covers half a million or more people and then the president's announcement in december to take the first group was thousands in the second was hundreds of thousands and now you have millions of people. the president saying he can act unilaterally upon not just to use discretion but to confer an array of benefits