he name was martin raez.re were multiple puppies in this home. >> oh, no, tuesday. >> you could see the kricries o the dog and he used the ladder to climb up on his own barefoot to go save the dog but that wasn't the only dog he saved. he climbs on this human ladder but watch what he does, he goes and reaches up for the dog and then he just tosses the dog. that's all he could do. >> better than the alternative. >> yeah and we do get to see the dog after it's tossed. >> how many dogs did he rescue? >> in all he was able to rescue two. >> i've been to my fair share of passion have impressed me and wowed onis 201f a spanish designer, spanish brand of very unique pieces that celebrate spanish culture. >> hence the matador look which i like. it's really dramatic and i'm with you. i was like is this a horror film? no it was just honey we're here. >> they're all cory grafd by antonio. he's a director which is obviously spain's national ballet so clearly these guys are kind of good. >> let me ask a question, are thes