martin's got one. there's a directing one with scorsese. shonda rhimes has a writing one. serena teaches tennis.: wait a minute. tennis. how the hell do you learn tennis from a computer? >> right. on the computer. you're sitting there. >> jimmy: have you taken -- have you gone to a lot of acting lessons or are you just like a natural? >> no, i have a degree in theater from morehouse college. i had teachers when i was in college. >> jimmy: aren't acting teachers crazy? >> eccentric. i would go with eccentric. i had teachers who told me things like if you want to be great you have to learn to be drunk and high and still do the play because that's what the great ones do. but we tried it. we did it. [ applause ] drink a little wine, smoke a little weed, go on stage. and when you get through, that you're kind of like confident and you go, that was all right. let's drop some acid. [ laughter ] so you actually think that you know what's going on, so you like the acid at the half hour. because you know it's going to be two hours before it really comes down on you. you go on stage and do the play and whe