welcome to larry king our guest is the great star martina mcbride the country music singer songwriter she's won every major musical award was inducted into the grand old opry of her new album everlasting will be out april eighth i have it right here in my hands why do i have to wait till april you can listen to it any type of the why does it come out why april why not tomorrow i know it always seems like it's it needs to be sooner you know but able to be here before you know it did you inherit those eyes your mother and your father yeah my mom i think they came from my mother blue but they're more than blue right how would you describe them. extra i don't know very bright blue very very bright blue ok you once referred to sheryl crow called you a bad ass are you a bad ass i think we did a show together and she was maybe talking about on stage but yeah i'm odds on i can be a bad ass when i need to be one of the good martina after nine eleven you sang on our show on c.n.n. just made a week or two later what was the tour where were you that day i was in nashville and i had just kind of w