with compulsory service the armed forces have been competing with the private sector captain martine waldemar to explains. as a dog was often called when we've heard a fact that we're in training for operations in combat situations the tone is the same as it's always been but when we're teaching we always take the approach of adult education the tones off the no different than on a campus or at school because we're passing on information today it's not just about drills it's about complex technology within the armed forces that needs to be explained clearly and calmly and we do you know the hundred and one of us can. really in the morning it's time to learn how to set up a bit of whack the young civilians aren't even fully awake yet ages range from sixteen to early twenty's minors are not allowed to touch weapons or ordinance but the experienced soldiers explain everything to them but just for a quick overview over there we have a shelter half to cover the equipment we have a six shelter house for the soldiers to sleep under the fold out of the staff and. the twenty first armored brigade like