virgin islands, martinique and costa rica have life expectancies longer than people in this country. people in certain parts of the united states live shorter lives than in other parts of the united states. let's focus in on some counties in mississippi. in these counties in mississippi, people have shorter life expectancies than in honduras, peru, philippines, or brazil. when you look at the other countries, you probably think to yourself wow, i thought we had better healthcare in the united states than in some of those places, and while that might be true, here is the issue. take a look at this map. this is where obesity is highest in the united states. it is also where people have the shortest life span. so obesity and also access to healthcare are two big reasons why life expectancies are shorter in those areas. >> i will be back at the top of the hour with more live news. right now, time for the good doctor. >>> because she's cute, because she's smart, because she's strong, because she's so much fun. >> what you're listening to is a father's birthday message for his little girl.