. >> my personal favorite could be from marty blefens because he took a picture of his wife clearingome snow with the snow blower. looks like he's shooting through the window, where it's safe and warm inside. >> martin, get your fingers out of the lens. >> so, thank you so everybody for your picture submissions and joining in the fun of last photo. >> commuting can drive you crazy. now, there's a new way to avoid the headaches. >> is this actually available? and still to come, a little parking lot prank is taken to the next level when -- >> alex runs in and steals this guy's car. >> how things go from harmless to heated. >> plus, a new spin on a fireworks show. >> that is awesome. and a break dance that pops off. >>> got ourselves a prank here. this is a stranger's car. empties out a few aluminum cans, going to string the ribbon. >> oh. >> the mantht smiley face thing, this is his car. he comes out, gets in the car, drives away. you can see he starts again. realizes something's wrong. gets out, but this is part two of the prank. alex runs in and steals this guy's car. he says this is