i mentioned marty citron. marty is the director of global high gration and quarantine at the centers for disease control and prevention. he is the u.s. representative of the world health organization's ebola emergency committee. he's been highly involved at the cdc with tom frieden who just came back there the region -- from the region and was visibly shaken, i think, if you saw him on the press conference yesterday, you could see that. and, but marty has been one of the masterminds of the response, and he's going to be talking about, you know, what we can do now to bring this under control. kevin donovan, we're extremely fortunate to have here at georgetown. he's the director of the center for clinical bioethics, and he's been here since september of 2012. he came to us from a magnificent career and work in clinical ethics, and he's been really at the forefront in this particular epidemic trying to think through the ethical dilemmas of the compassionate use of untested drugs. and, of course, now we have vacci