do we know -- we should all know -- [inaudible] >> guest: his name is marty cooper. 99.9% of americans don't know him. he's in his 80s now, and you should have him on this program at some point. but his, he has a theory, and i'll give him a lot of deference because he invented the cell phone. his theory, cooper's law as it's known is that our spectral efficiency doubles every two-and-a-half years. that means how much information can we squeeze over the same bit of the airwaves? that doubles every two-and-a-half years, so since the radio was first invented, we are over two trillion times more spectrally efficient today than when the radio because first invented. so i think it's important to understand that that trend should continue at least for our lifetimes. so when we talk about or hear about spectrum shortages, yes, we need to do what we can to get more spectrum out to the marketplace, but that can be measured in years before that can happen, before the commission can find that or congress can help us with this too. to get that spectrum cleared, get it to auction and actually get it