task force 120 under the leadership of general marty dempsey is putting together an update and the update will go to the army leader ship after labor day and then to the secretary of defense and dr. carter who is the defense acquisition executive to try to update and get everybody on line with a common d.o.d. standard for modernization. >> what are some of the features you think that these new vehicles for the future are going to have? >> the first thing we've learned is that we have to be more incremental in our development. the idea of taking vast technical leaps and going out 10 or 15 or 20 years with concepts that we were not entirely sure we can field immediately. all of that was a little bit too far. we recognize the soldiers are fighting and in need of improvement today. we'll be more incremental and focussed on what is relevant to the fight we see today and tomorrow. >> do we have a sense whether or not we'll be going to track vehicles, wheel vehicles or new generation of vehicles that have to depend or striker vehicles may be the answer? do you have any indication as to which dir