but they don't-- don't render the judgement that bob gates renders or marty felledstein renders that this guy's temperment just makes him impossible to be president. >> right. >> rose: when you look at this election in terms of constituencies, is education-- educated sur su bauer ban woman the one constituency if he does not do something to attract them to his side, he can not do when? >> i think educatedded, married white women, and young people, she needs to get young people not just to vote for her but to turn out. she will get a high percentage of young people but she needs a high percentage to actually decide to vote. >> those are the two-- if you account campaigns you think are what are they worried about, you know, the trump campaign, the raise, the ethnic dynamics of those democrat-- demographics are baked. will not do well with hispanics. she needs to turn out with hispanics and african americans he will not move those numbers in a meaningful way. the trump campaign the path to krict vee-- victory would be solving the problem with suburban, mostly married white college educa