. >> i think you focus on a lot -- marty lobel. >> you're next. go ahead, i'm sorry. >> we've been focusing on the trees, not the forest. picking up on len's initial comments, the income mall distribution in the united states right now is reaching a crisis proportion, which is why we're focusing on tax reform. we only really reform the tax code when there is a crisis, because by and large, and i worked on the hill for a few years, the only ones who get a voice are those who can afford to pay for it, either by hiring lobbyists or by making campaign contributions. the public is focused in on the rates paid by the very rich and by the large corporations who, you know, a lot of people are getting really unhappy about the tax subsidies we're providing to the multinationals which puts them at a great advantage over domestic companies. we haven't had a word about that in terms of tax rates. now who are the beneficiaries of these tax subsidies? usually very, very wealthy people who are now i think in the public's mind using their money to influence public